A truly exceptional teacher

This week in my class I was reflecting on my experience in my cooperating teachers classroom. I thought about how I found myself day dreaming in the middle of my lesson, hoping one day someone would think of how good of a teacher I was, just as I was doing right then. It brought me back to the beginning of the year when I first walked into her classroom and immediately judged her. Her walls were bare, and the room was messy. She had no desk or formal place to call her own. I couldn’t believe she would want her room to look like that.
Then I thought about today, and as I looked around the class I could see how much fun the students were having and how engaged they were. They didn’t care about the classroom or if their teacher had decorations around, they just truly enjoyed the lesson. This is when I realized that it’s not about presentation that makes you a good teacher, it’s about how you teach and how passionate you are. If you truly care about education and the knowledge of your students then you know being a “cute” teacher doesn’t matter.
This was an awesome realization for me, and I can only hope to be as good of a teacher as she is one day.



  1. You are going to be a great teacher Lauren! I am so glad you have such a great inspiration to look up to! I feel the same way because my teacher rocks! We are so blessed that we both have great cooperating teachers! Keep going girl, you got this!

  2. I totally agree! sometimes i judge other teachers without really paying attention to the overall strategy behind their teaching madness. It is so hard to stray away from the cute things in the classroom but I recommend this teacher from doing so.


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