Stop and smell the roses

This semester is one of my busiest that I have ever had. Between preparing to graduate and finishing off the last of my classes, my stress level has gone through the roof. It wasn't until today that I realized all of the blessing that I have missed out on because I was was worried on what still needed to be done. This made me think that this is how I have been going through life. Pushing through to the next thing one after another, never really taking time to live in the moment and appreciate all that I have been given and accomplished. I took the day to relax, rather than doing any of the work I needed to. Yes, I was behind, but it was worth it. Without doing so, I would have missed out on all of the pieces that make working so hard worth it.

Sometimes in life, we all need to step back and smell the roses that have been planted in our lives.

XoXo - Lo


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