Be The Match

During my first year of college I signed up to be a donor for BeTheMatch. At the time, I only did it for a free t-shirt and the assurance that my name probably wouldn't be called. I really didn't think about what I would do if I really was a match.

Fast forward two years later during my senior year, I got a call that I am match for a child with Leukemia... When I first answered the phone I was surprised. Surprised that I really was a match after all. In the beginning I was scared, didn't know what to do, or if I should still say yes? I was only a freshman at the time when I signed up, and it was partly to get the free shirt that they were giving out. I never thought that I would ever be a serious candidate. Then, I thought about the feelings that were going through my mind, and how that little child I matched with was having those same thoughts every day of their life. It clicked in my head that I could probably save their life. And that's when it really hit me. There was no way that I could ever say no to donating anything that child needed. This is my chance to do something good for a complete stranger who didn't deserve the illness they had. This is my chance to change their life forever.


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