
After coming back from Thanksgiving break, I entered into the final three weeks of my college career. After three and a half years, I am finally graduating. I remember walking onto the campus my freshman year and thinking it would take me forever to become a senior...but here I am. Up until now I was never really sad or gave a second thought to leaving. I had just worked so hard to be here that I was so happy to finally be done. Over the break it really hit me though. I would come back to school only for another three weeks. I wouldn't be returning after leaving again for Christmas break.

While I am still happy and feel very accomplished, I wish I would have more time here! You never really understand how much a place means to you until you're gone, and that's exactly how I feel. I am now reflecting on the young naive girl who stepped onto this campus so many years ago and seeing the wiser woman who will be leaving on the 15th.

I am so thankful to my university for molding me into a woman who now see's the world as her classroom and is looking forward to all the lessons she will get to learn.

xoxo - Lo


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